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Many historians believe that that Trojan War was the first war to be properly documented. The battle is believed to have lasted for 10 years, from 1194 to 1184 B.C. For hundreds of centuries, the romance, the epic battles and the heroic figures of the Trojan War have intrigued and inspired the minds of writers, poets and painters alike.

Although there are many stories and myths surrounding the origin of this battle, the most commonly held belief is that the war had its roots in vanity and pride. According to mythology, a wedding was held and all the gods and goddesses were invited to attend with the exception of Eris, the Goddess of Discord. Bitter for having been ostracized, Eris threw a golden apple with the inscription “For the Fairest” in the midst of the wedding ceremony. Hera, Athena and Aphrodite, the three most beautiful goddesses, fought over who would take possession of the apple and, when they were not able to decide, called on Zeus to settle the dispute.

Unwilling and uninterested in the matter, Zeus appointed Prince Paris to choose the “fairest” goddess. Each goddess tempted Paris with a special reward in hope of being granted the winner: Hera offered him a rich and powerful kingdom; Aphrodite offered him the most beautiful woman on earth; and Athena offered to make him a leader and fighter amongst many men. As history tells us, Paris chose beauty and desire over power and property. He then traveled to Greece, where his promise was fulfilled: Helen of Sparta – the most beautiful woman on earth – fell in love with him. For having upset the goddesses, Hera and Athena, and for having stolen Helen’s heart from her husband, Menelaus, so began the battle between the Trojans and the Spartans.

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