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The train pulled into station at 8:05 precisely, just as the schedule demanded, and the remarkable Dr. Twill bustled off onto the platform with a crowd of other travelers. He was tired from his journey, but eager and excited to see the lights of the city again.  He stretched and yawned, and decided to find a hot cup of coffee before heading out to enjoy the bright city night.

His trip through the surrounding country towns had been a profitable endeavor: with a few vague explanations here, some simple demonstrations there, and a great deal of enthusiasm everywhere he went, he had been able to sell a number of his electrical cures at prices which were more than modestly profitable, and returned with a considerably lighter trunk and fatter wallet than those with which he had departed. The cures were many and varied, ranging from electrical hairbrushes which promised to cure baldness and restore a youthful appearance, to electrical belts which were guaranteed to resolve indigestion, incontinence, or indeed any ailment of the gut, even to electrical shoes, the function of which was as yet unclear but undoubtedly wonderful.

He had even been able to secure some rather generous investments in the development of his latest cure: a tonic of pure electrical energy, which when imbibed would most assuredly improve the whole health and well-being of the imbiber, invigorating flesh and mind from within! There remained the minor question of how he would manage to liquefy pure electricity—but the buzzing of the street lights never failed to inspire, and Dr. Twill had all confidence that a solution would come soon enough.

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